Your Daily Mindjob
This is my personal blog where I'll offer up some political straight talk as well as thoughts on technology and pop culture. That should give me plenty to talk about. The world can give you one heck of a mindjob. Think like me and get your daily dose.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Paul Ryan did ask for stimulus money.

Here are screen shots of documents written and signed by Paul Ryan in referencing money being provided by the economic stimulus.

When Paul Ryan says he did not request money from the economic stimulus, he is lying to you.

Don't like it? Too bad. That's his signature there at the bottom of each of these documents.

Now, when he states that the stimulus did not work, surely he has to answer for the fact that, when making these requests, he believed the stimulus would indeed work. Folks, Paul Ryan is merely posturing for political purposes and personal gain now that he is the VP nominee. Not only is it a lie that the stimulus did not work, but the fact that he believed it would work calls into question his current mindset about government spending.

1. We've established he has difficulty with honesty.
2. We've established he has difficulty recollecting about his own actions.
3. We've established that he is saying things just so Mitt Romney can get elected.

As the adage says, a leopard can't change its spots.